Monday, January 12, 2009

The sunshine is out!....

The sun was out on Saturday but everyone at home had colds but dad said, "Let's take Gertie to the dog park!" so off we went! Lots of dogs there, mostly large ones. Some friendly and some not so friendly. Here are a few pictures mom took including a girl who looked more like a dog with fuzzy and a man who looked like he had had too many snacks. Never could figure if he had brought a dog with him or not. If the photos are too small click on the photo and it will expand for you.


Andria said...

Yeehaw! Go, Gertie, go! I enjoyed the sunshine too, except in my own backyard. I like to disturb the neighbors through the broken fence (I didn't do it!). My humans went to Costco, so I had to pretend to be a guard dog.

Wags to you!

P.S. Did you hear? A Labradoodle is in the running for the White House??? What are they thinking?

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid of the "man with too many snacks". Please I hope he wasn't sitting on his dog he brought???

~Roxy's mom